This is a work in progress. What you will find below and forthcoming is in a very rough draft. Once this current content is complete this paragragh will be deleted.
If you wish to contribute to this work you are more than welcome to do so. Use the 'Comments' banner to the left to send your information or imput. Thank you.
It begins...
In an effort to identify, define and arrive at a proper term for what is refered to at this point, LSMD, has not been easy. The abbreviation seems to work better than a long drawn out hard to pronouce latin term. Please excuse me for that.
What many are familiar with as a Lucid Dream seems to be a primary element of a multi-dimensional dream. In this latter term we have become aware that people have related their experience of dreaming several dreams at exactly the same moment. Each dream, in some cases, have no relationship whatsoever with any of the other dreams; ...to be continue...
Acknowledgment and credit is given to Lucy Gillis through a posting on a web site that is the only one out of thousands to refer to this type of an event.
Lucid Dreams ~ Or Are They?
A Research Paper in progress. Your contributions are welcome.
By Jayron David Robinson
Began: October 27, 2009
How is a "Lucid� Dream� defined?
For a dream to qualify as lucid, in a minimal sense, means that you at least vaguely realize that you dream while you dream. For example, you might think, "I must dream this", and then decide to leave your current dreamscape and go flying elsewhere. In a fully lucid dream you think clearly and remember clearly. You become awake in the dream. You feel an extraordinary sense of self, and can choose to act upon your enhanced freedom of choice in dream reality as compared to physical reality. (by E. W. Kellogg III, Ph.D.)
The current terminology that is used to describe this particular dream state, Lucid Dreams, does not relate the levels of activity found during an occurrence of experiencing several dreams at exactly the same time whereas each one of these dreams are completely different from the other and sharing no relationship to one another other than that they are dreams. Yet, one is considered to be �Lucid� during this entire period. Or are they? In addition, one is also able to watch themselves watch themselves objectively and detached during this time as well. Therefore, taking liberty with several terms that collectively define this event and, in essence, creating a new word to define it is probably more difficult than explaining it. It should be understood that all previous terms lacked a single and proper identification and even though that is part of what is presented here it remains minor to identifying the actual experience.
Currently the term �Lucid Dreams�, is also being related to as �Multiple Dreams� and �Simultaneous Dreams�. Unfortunately, none of these can be classified as actually correct and this is why it is important to understand the type of dream being discussed, if in fact, it is even a dream.
Taking into account the terms Lucid, Multiple and Simultaneous on an individually defining basis we find that they all have their purpose and place within this new identity, yet, taking them further into the understanding of the actual event we may also apply such terms as Synchronism *[120], Futurity or Prospective Time *[121], Preterition or Retrospective Time *[122] in an effort to fully comprehend the experience.
* # 120. Synchronism. - N. synchronism; coexistence, coincidence; simultaneousness, simultaneity &c. adj.; concurrence, concomitance, unity of time, interim.
[Having equal times] isochronism[obs3].
contemporary, coetanian[obs3].
V. coexist, concur, accompany, go hand in hand, keep pace with; synchronize.
Adj. synchronous, synchronal[obs3], synchronic, synchronical, synchronistical[obs3]; simultaneous, coexisting, coincident, concomitant, concurrent; coeval, coevous[obs3]; contemporary, contemporaneous; coetaneous[obs3]; coeternal; isochronous.
Adv. at the same time; simultaneously &c. adj.; together, in concert, during the same time; in the same breath; pari passu[Lat]; in the interim; as one.
at the very moment &c. Instantaneity [Point of time]; just as, as soon as; meanwhile &c. (while) Time.
* # 121. [Prospective time] Futurity. - N. futurity, futurition; future, hereafter, time to come; approaching time, coming time, subsequent time, after time, approaching age, coming age, subsequent age, after age, approaching days, coming days, subsequent days, after days, approaching hours, coming hours, subsequent hours, after hours, approaching ages, coming ages, subsequent ages, after ages, approaching life, coming life, subsequent life, after life, approaching years, coming years, subsequent years, after years; morrow; millennium, doomsday, day of judgment, crack of doom, remote future.
approach of time advent, time drawing on, womb of time; destiny &c. Destiny; eventuality.
heritage, heirs posterity.
prospect &c. (expectation) Expectation; foresight &c. Foresight.
V. look forwards; anticipate &c. (expect) Expectation, (foresee) Foresight; forestall &c. (be early) Earliness.
come on, draw on; draw near; approach, await, threaten; impend &c. (be destined) Destiny.
Adj. future, to come; coming &c. (impending) Destiny; next, near; close at hand; eventual, ulterior; in prospect &c. (expectation) Expectation.
Adv. prospectively, hereafter, in future; kal[obs3], tomorrow, the day after tomorrow; in course of time, in process of time, in the fullness of time; eventually, ultimately, sooner or later; proximo[Lat]; paulo post futurum[Lat]; in after time; one of these days; after a time, after a while.
from this time; henceforth, henceforwards[obs3]; thence; thenceforth, thenceforward; whereupon, upon which.
soon &c. (early) Earliness; on the eve of, on the point of, on the brink of; about to; close upon.
Phr. quid sit futurum cras fuge quaerere [Latin][Horace].
* # 122. [Retrospective time] The Past. - N. the past, past time; days of yore, times of yore, days of old, times of old, days past, times past, days gone by, times gone by; bygone days; old times, ancient times, former times; fore time; the good old days, the olden time, good old time; auld lang syne[obs3]; eld[Obs].
antiquity, antiqueness[obs3], status quo; time immemorial; distance of time; remote age, remote time; remote past; rust of antiquity [study of the past] paleontology, paleography, paleology[obs3]; paleozoology; palaetiology[obs3], archaeology; paleogeography; paleoecology; paleobotany; paleoclimatoogy; archaism, antiquarianism, medievalism, Pre-Raphaelitism; paleography.
retrospect, retrospection, looking back, memory &c. Memory. <- originally - preterition; priority &c. Priority ->
laudator temporis acti[Lat]; medievalist, Pre-Raphaelite; antiquary, antiquarian; archmologist &c.[obs3]; Oldbuck, Dryasdust.
ancestry &c. (paternity) Paternity.
V. be past &c. adj.; have expired &c. adj., have run its course, have had its day; pass; pass by, go by , pass away, go away , pass off, go off; lapse, blow over.
look back, trace back, cast the eyes back; exhume.
Adj. past, gone, gone by, over, passed away, bygone, foregone; elapsed, lapsed, preterlapsed[obs3], expired, no more, run out, blown over, has-been, that has been, extinct, antediluvian, antebellum, never to return, gone with the wind, exploded, forgotten, irrecoverable; obsolete &c. (old) Oldness.
former, pristine, quondam, ci-devant[Fr], late; ancestral.
foregoing; last, latter; recent, over night; preterperfect[obs3], preterpluperfect[obs3].
looking back &c. v.; retrospective, retroactive; archaeological &c. n.
Adv. paleo-; archaeo-; formerly; of old, of yore; erst[Ger], whilom, erewhile[obs3], time was, ago, over; in the olden time &c. n.; anciently, long ago, long since; a long while, a long time ago; years ago, yesteryear, ages ago; some time ago, some time since, some time back.
Yesterday, the day before yesterday; last year, ultimo; lately &c. (newly) Newness.
Retrospectively; ere now, before now, till now; hitherto, heretofore; no longer; once, once upon a time; from time immemorial, from prehistoric times; in the memory of man; time out of mind; already, yet, up to this time; ex post facto.
Phr. time was; the time has been, the time hath been; you can't go home again; fuimus Troes [Lat][Vergil]; fruit Ilium [Vergil]; hoc erat in more majorum[Lat]; "O call back yesterday, bid time return" [Richard II]; tempi passati[It]; "the eternal landscape of the past" [Tennyson]; ultimus Romanorum[Lat]; "what's past is prologue" [Tempest]; "whose yesterdays look backward with a smile" [Young].
There was even consideration given to �Paranormal Dreams� and this too fell short of the above and aforementioned description. To understand this please read the insert below:
(The following is offered by E. W. Kellogg III, Ph.D. � International Association for the Study of Dreams):
What is meant by "paranormal dreams"?
Dreams that differ in some significant way from the expected range of �normal dreams� accepted in our culture. Often unusual, sometimes uncanny, these experiences happen to us when our physical bodies sleep, or have become �unconscious�, and do not seem easily or neatly explained by the conventional theories of �reality� promoted by mainstream scientists.
The following are some examples of "paranormal dreams":
A. Any experience that falls outside of the consensually accepted normal range of dreaming experience, and that takes place while the physical body has become either asleep or �unconscious�. For example:
#1 Alien Abduction Experiences (some) - in which non-human beings abduct you and do strange things to you, pleasant or unpleasant. Often similar to OBEs.
#2 Ecstatic Dreams - in which you experience ecstasy or overwhelming joy - sometimes combined with feeling one with the universe.
#3 Guidance Dreams - which provide information that later proves useful in making a decision.
#4 Healing Dreams - in which you heal yourself, or others, or receive information that allows you to do so.
#5 Hypnagogic Experiences - the spontaneous visions that occur in the twilight zone between sleeping and waking.
#6 Lucid Dreams - in which you know that you dream and take advantage of it.
#7 Magical Dreams - in which you exhibit superhuman powers, flying or floating seem common examples. Less commonly, using "the Force" to move objects, bodily transformations (growing or shrinking, changing into a wolf or an eagle), shooting energy beams from your eyes or hands, etc.
#8 Meditation Experiences (some) - in which you reach into transpersonal dimensions.
#9 Mutual Dreams - in which you and another person apparently have the same, or very similar dreams about each other, at the same time. Consensual Dreaming.
#10 Out of Body Experiences - sometimes confused with lucid dreams, but with a number of different characteristics. Commonly you experience leaving your physical body and floating outside it. Sometimes these experiences coincide with a physical crisis, such as a severe illness or a NDE (Near Death Experience). Intensely 'real'.
#11 Past Life or Parallel Self dreams - in which you find yourself in an earlier time, or in another place, as a different person who may look nothing at all like what you see when you look in a mirror. May contain historical details not consciously known by you.
#12 Precognitive Dreams - in which you somehow experience a future event that later comes true as you have foreseen it happening.
#13 Psychopompic Dreams - in which you meet with those who have died.
#14 Psychic Dreams - a general category for dreams in which any of the varieties of ESP, such as clairvoyance, healing, precognition, psychokinesis, remote viewing, telepathy, etc. manifest.
#15 Spiritual Dreams - in which you experience or gain special insight into the spiritual or religious aspect of life. You may experience meeting guides, angelic or demonic beings, or even friends or family members who have died.
#16 Vision Dreams - where you experience some 'outside' force showing you a vision (usually on a sort of screen) that seems deeply significant, even if you don't understand it.
International Association for the Study of Dreams
A Dream within A Dream? Not quite and not to be confused with Edgar Allen Poe�s �Dream Within A Dream�.
Dream Watching; Dream Watchers (No related material available.)
Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming:
D. Castle � San Francisco, CA 10-18-2009
In short, Lucid dreaming is becoming completely aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. Once you reach this in your dream state you can COMPLETELY control anything in your dream. It has nothing to do with astral projection, although many people suggest mastering lucid dreaming before astral projection as it is supposed to be easier to learn astral once you've gone lucid.
(Insert) The problem I have with Astral Projection, in this study, is that one takes a chance in leaving their body. The further they travel the weaker the cord that keeps them connected. Therefore, they are put into a state of having to be aware of the dangers of someone or something else moving in while they are out. Split focus concentration. Difficult to be totally free during this activity.
Parallel Realities:
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science
Publisher IOS Press
ISSN 1092-0617 (Print) 1875-8959 (Online)
Issue Volume 13, Number 1 / 2009
Majid M. Naini: Universal Vision & Research, Delray Beach, FL, USA
Joan F. Naini: Pediatric Neurologists of Palm Beach, Loxahatchee, FL, USA
This paper delineates a new conceptualization of the integration of technology, psychology, medicine, and science, with an emphasis on quantum physics. The focus is on developing a new paradigm to comprehend the ultimate reality and its relation to the human journey in time, space, and beyond. As we learn more through scientific and technological advancements, we recognize that the human being has been ignoring their higher self. An increased understanding of the human brain, body, mind, and spirit is leading to the recognition of the extraordinary, yet often concealed, abilities we all possess. In addition, our increased understanding of the existing realities in parallel dimensions utilizing the superstring theory, is leading to a broader perception of the whole reality and its effect on the human development and condition. The relationship between electromagnetic frequencies and energies and human physiology and psychology requires further study to produce a more definitive understanding of the human makeup. As we increase our understanding and measuring of electromagnetic frequencies and energy in human beings, we will be better able to manipulate this energy. Through this integration of the sciences we will finally develop a more precise map for human composition, development, health, and recovery from diseases.
parallel dimensions and realities, superstring theory, human perception and development, neuroplasticity, neuroimaging
(Questionable term: manipulate this energy.)
The Science of Lucid Dreaming:
United Kingdom
The following content is derived from The Lucid Crossroads web site � the webmaster & author does not provide his name.
Can Lucid dreaming be proved? ~ Yes, it was first scientifically proved by the scientist Stephen LaBerge and his team. When you sleep your body�s main muscles are in paralysis to stop you hurting yourself. One of the few muscles not to be effected is the eyes, the REM (rapid eye movement).
To prove lucidity LeBerge used himself as the first subject. Whilst in a lucid dream he signaled with a set pattern of eye movements the moment when he had achieved the lucid state. When he was lucid they recorded his brain waves and conducted various experiments.
History of lucid dreaming ~
Before lucid dreaming was scientifically proved the experiences of people claiming to have woken in their dreams where assumed to be pure fantasy or merely mistakenly thinking you were still dreaming when in fact you were awake.
In 1867 French scientist, le Marquis d�Hervey-Saint-Denys, book entitled, Les R�ves et les Moyens de les Diriger; Observations pratiques (Dreams and the Ways to Direct Them; Practical Observations.) was published. Although the Dutch writer Frederik van Eeden is generally credited for coining the term "Lucid Dreaming" the phrase was actually mentioned 50 years earlier by Saint-Denys.
Since that time other writers have contributed to Eeden and Saint-Denys work on lucid dreaming but it was left to Le Berge to scientifically prove the "reality" of lucid dreams following his acceptance to Standford university in 1977.
Of course no one knows when humans first became able to use lucid dreaming as a skill but it is noted throughout history and across all cultures. You could say that lucid dreaming could explain all "realistic" religious experiences and mystic and magic practices, personally it would be extremely hard to prove that but dream awakening and travel is used widely in the ancient world by shamans, seers and other mystics.
Dream/Spirit guides ~
When you lucid dream you are not always alone, in fact in most lucid dreams you will find characters from your original dream or your new lucid ones everywhere populating your mind created dream world. In a lucid dream these people (sometimes animals or sentient beings) are created and controlled by parts of your brain that you do not have access to in your conscious lucid state. This means that they act independent of your conscious free will, they seem to have a life all of their own. However they remain part of your mind and might have the same access to your mind and parts of your brain that you with your lucid free will also seem to have (why you might be able to make yourself understood without using words).
~ End.
Time period of most occurrences. (During what years?).
Still compiling this data.
Remote Viewing:
Not applicable. After reviewing many different aspects of this application there is nothing pertinent to this event. A remote viewer would have to know their subject, or target, in order to infiltrate the subjects dream-state and then to induce several dreams in the manner described above would, at the least, be a masterful stroke of mind control. In addition, there is no evidence towards anyone having this ability. It has also been considered that, perhaps, several remote viewers engaged in a unified infiltration upon a single subject thus creating such a condition. The individuals who have reported experiencing their event (s) have no relationship to each other; their timelines are random and they are not the types of individuals normally profiled for remote viewing surveillance.
Are these types of dreams gender specific?
Currently there appear to be more women who have experienced this than men (4 out of 5) but this is not to say it is gender specific. Therefore, at this point, there is no relevance between the two.
How is one enabled the ability to observe more than one dream at a time and at the same time know they are doing so?
How is it that one can watch themselves watch themselves and know it as though they are watching themselves watch themselves?
Think very long about this question. Before getting entangled with the wording you must detach yourself from the question.
Lack of documentation, reference materials; possibility of psychological misdiagnosis or reference to pre-existing and known areas.
Do those that experience these particular dream events feel as though they are older than they really are?
As an example, if they are 35 years of age do they feel that they are really 10,000 years old�or have at least been around that long? This is not necessarily a reference to a �soul age� but could be a keep factor.
Placement Sensation:
They feel like they don�t belong to any one place but rather they feel like they belong everywhere�like a universal citizen.
Below is an excerpt from:
The Institute for the Development of Dream Research (IDDR) (1 & 2)
!. What is Virtual Dreaming?
Virtual dreaming is a dream that is artificially encouraged to take place within the full awareness of the dreamer. In essence it is no different to a normal dream, except that the conditions for recalling and being aware of the dream are heightened to their maximum potential.
2. How do I tell if I�m awake or dreaming?
We teach dreamers a number of methods called Reality Checking, which is exactly what it sounds like. Methods of determining whether or not one is actually dreaming. This can include something mundane like checking the time on your watch to see whether it jumps around to whether or not you actually do have the ability to breathe underwater or fly. The full range of indicators is gone over in detail.
A few notes on what I found this morning...but still, not quite right:
Can people have the same dream at the same time?
It is called simultaneous dreaming. This occurs when two or more people have the same dream. The dream need not occur at the same time to qualify as a simultaneous dream. But sometimes this happens too. There are no scientific studies of simultaneous dreaming.
However, there are a few anecdotal reports of simultaneous dreaming on the internet. It is usually mentioned in relationships to lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming is the conscious perception of one's state while dreaming with the intended effect of having clearer dreams and to be able to control, focus, and utilize dreams to improve one's life.
According to the Royal National Institute of the Blind in London:
"Dreams are experienced in the same way as life is lived. If someone loses their sight, they will dream of events during the days when sight was available in visual terms. If dreams are about recent events when sight was not used, sensations will be in terms of sound, smell, texture, and so on." A person dreams as they live.
In your article:
Dreaming Twice (or More) at Once
(Examples of Multiple Awareness in Simultaneous Dreaming)
Copyright 2009 Lucy Gillis
which is very good, you posted an experience by
"Two Dreams at the Same Time"
Angela, January 15 2009
Wherein she described exactly what we are discussing perfectly like you and I have. Yet, I noticed that hers, yours and my explanation and understanding of SD is far different than in most of the other related experiences. As I've stated before, I believe we are onto something yet to be researched to its fullest potential.
After reading through Jung, Freud, Jaynes and several others including Native Americans, their interpretation of 'Simultaneous Dreams' presented nothing even close to our situation. Therefore, this takes me back to another previous comment, in brief: 'our explanation, dialog, description' of what we are talking about.
So, perhaps, we might consider another explanation of it other than SD. This could be distancing us from making any contact with others whom are seeking those like themselves. At this point it's really hard to say. Maybe the language will just present itself. Reading through what others consider an SD experience leaves me at a loss. And I'm not so sure that 'Lucid' is even near. What you, Angela and I have related is exactly the same. Do you know of any others who have offered this same explanation of their experience? Should we consider narrowing the field to just these?
Lucy, I think you may be the first brick in the foundation of a newly found science that deserves greater attention and in depth research. It doesn't matter who has the longer list of events, or occurrences, what matters is that there is an obvious connection and it should be expanded. I'm not sure if you belong to an organization that is researching this already as I have not gone into depth on your entire site...but I will. If you do not belong to such an organization and receive no funding, maybe I can help with the organizational and research aspects and to get us pointed in the right direction for funding. I am more than willing to jump right in at any time. When it comes to writing grants I am not too good with that...I can however develop 'grant proposals' or preliminaries. My education, background and experience cover a very large territory. Because of these factors, I have to force myself into taking breaks...to find quiet time, a calm place to force my mind not to think. (I laugh at that too - but it's true).
Now, who in the field of science are going to push themselves to the forefront of this in an effort to qualify whether or not SD, as we know it, to have a rightful place in the field of science? Would they be using their current methods to test us and would these methods even be appropriate to discovering the results needed to define SD? This might be the reason why I am already doing the research on such matters. I would hate to have to even look into 'remote viewing' because of the government and military involvement with it, but, if need be, then so be it. Ooops, I�ve already done that.
I found the following link that I thought you might find a little interesting and may want to check out:
www.unexplained-mysteries.com (main page)
Board Index > Unexplained Mysteries > Metaphysics, Psychology & Psychic Phenomena